These are some recommended links to other Zoroastrian websites
The links are sorted by date (the newest links are at the top)
Zoroastrian communities in Europe
The world Zoroastrian organization | We aim to inform all about Zarathushtra and Zoroastrianism,
improve the circumstances of the needy Zoroastrians around the world
through charitable, political and social activities. | 11/06/2006 10:51pm (UTC) | 331 Clicks | Zoroastrian community of UK-London | “ZTFE” is the main Zoroastrian body of UK
| 11/05/2006 3:15pm (UTC) | 317 Clicks | Anjoman BozorgBazgasht | The Zoroastrian community of Norway
| 11/05/2006 2:25pm (UTC) | 678 Clicks |
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